Go check them out!
Speaking of quilting, a while back I made a slideshow function of the customers' quilts I've done this year, which you can see here.
Every so often I get the urge to dye my hair and I did it again yesterday:

You can also see the blue pearl necklace that I made yesterday. It's a single strand, knotted between each pearl, and long enough that I can wrap it around as a choker. I see more like that in my future.
I think this hair color looks more natural than my natural color with my skin. The really funny thing is that the kids didn't notice until Greg said something. LOL! [This stuff is supposed to wash out after a month or so.]
Speaking of Greg, he's started building a bed for Gillian and she's been helping.

Greg has developed an allergy to sawdust, and I'm thrilled that they're wearing masks and safety glasses. YAY!
I'm terribly behind on my blogging, and so I'm going to continue with some catch-up stuff.
Last week was the annual scrapbooking convention, and I took two classes. The first one is called "Boxerpalooza" and is where they give you lots of scrapbooking stuff from their company (Boxer Scrapbook Productions) and show you ideas to use it. I got a lot of excellent tips as well as cool scrapbook supplies. One of the owners is a quilter so we chatted about fabric after class.
The other class I took was "Four Pages, A Bazillion Photos" and it was neat--they had some good ideas for putting lots of pictures on a page. Here are two of the four pages (without pics--I haven't gotten that far yet):

I also did a Make and Take from the Tattered Angels booth, using Glimmer Mist:

It was really cool, and I now understand more of the appeal of Glimmer Mist.
I also did some shopping. I couldn't resist a bunch of clear stamps, especially since the big ones I got were $3!!!

On the knitting front, I finished a pair of socks:

The yarn is some that my wonderful Aunt Louise sent a couple of years ago (I don't use sock yarn all that quickly, but I sure enjoy making socks!).
I also made a headband to use up some of my leftover sock yarn:

And I finally found a project that would successfully use the Disco yarn that started to be two different pairs of socks:

And last up on my catching-up list, this basket that we made in spinning guild at the August meeting:

It was fun to make! The teacher had the bottom and first round one for us or we would've been there all day. :-)
I think that's about it for the moment. I've been doing customer quilts but you can see those in the link at the top of this post.
I hope you're all having a great weekend!