Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fair Entries

I managed to get all of the fair entries delivered, at last! The kids' stuff was due last Saturday, and my stuff was due the previous Saturday. I swear I was working on fair stuff right up to the last minute.

Here's what I entered:

Hyrna Herborgar from handspun, in the "Adult, any other clothing or accessory, knit" category

My second Quilted Lattice socks, in the "Socks, knit" category

My broomstick lace-ish scarf, in the "Adult, any other clothing or accessory, crochet" category

A trivet, in the "Any other crochet article under 24”" category

"Rubber stamping, scrapbook page" category

And a quilt that'll go to my sister after the fair:

Now comes the waiting to find out how I did! The fair opens the day after tomorrow, although I doubt we'll be going that night. I know a few of my friends are going then, so hopefully they'll report back.


Grandmavickey said...

But, but, but what did the kids enter? Inquiring grandmothers need to know!

Nancy said...

I am going Friday and can't wait to see your entries. Good luck!