Before I offend anyone further (because I've been getting a lot of either "oh, that's such a pretty color, why are you getting rid of it?" and/or "I just painted my bedroom that color"--three people have said that), I should explain about
why I dislike the green color my sewing room used to be.
When we first looked at this house, all of the rooms were decorated very nicely in well-coordinated schemes.
Then we moved in, and
none of our stuff worked with any of the color schemes in the house. NONE OF IT. I've also discovered a few things about myself after living in a house with some very strong colors:
- I don't LIKE strong colors on all the walls--I don't like the way it changes the feel of the light in a room, and it makes it very hard to bring other non-neutral elements into a room;
- I (and my hubby) like to change rooms around with some frequency. Having a very strong color on the walls makes it hard to shuffle things around from room to room; and
- With the exception of blue, I don't like cool colors on walls. The green in that room was NOT a warm green and was quite gray, actually. I like warm colors on my walls, darn it!
- This room is going to become my quilt studio, and I need a more-neutral color on the walls. The light reflecting off the green walls was messing with things like thread-color selection unless I had my Ott light going or was near the window.
I find it incredibly ironic that the exact same color we've just painted over is THE color of the moment. I'm just so sick of looking at it not going with any of our stuff, and it's been entirely too dark for me. This is one of the more-accurate pictures of the color, and pretty much all that's left of the green color:
Oh yeah, except for this beautiful bit of painting (major sarcasm) :
Of course that's
two layers of bad paint jobs, the dark green and the beige. I'll be taking a razor to the window and attempting to take off as much beige and dark green paint as I can. Or not--luckily the blinds cover the vast majority of it, which is probably why it's still there. If I don't see it, it won't drive me nuts.
As of this evening, here's how the room looks:
We've gone through two gallons of primer and we'll probably use most of a third bucket. The green color is really cold (as in the color temperature), and we want to make sure all of that cool undertone is gone before we start putting the new paint on there or else it'll look kind of grayed too.
The previous owners also painted the ceiling fan blades, which threw them
totally out of balance. The fan couldn't be going any faster than the lowest setting or it wiggled and danced so badly that the end of the pull chain would go in huge circles and bang the glass light parts that I'm surprised they hadn't broken. I don't understand why people paint things like ceiling fan blades, light switches (not just the covers, but the
switches), and outlets. I think the previous owners were allergic to masking tape or something, because I've seen no evidence that they knew how to use it.
We've ordered a new set of blades and they should be here on Monday.
My wonderful, and very generous, Aunt Louise sent a package for Greg and my birthdays. Here's a bad picture, taken after most of the chocolate candies have been enjoyed:
Be sure to click on the picture to see the beautiful jewelry and goodies.
We're just overwhelmed at all the goodies in this package! On the top of all of that was a bag with this luscious yarn:
I have no idea yet what I'll do with it, but there's enough to do a lacy sweater, probably! Pretty exciting!!
And I couldn't resist taking this picture:
Beautiful stamps, aren't they?
Thank you, Louise!
I could go on and on--I'm so behind in my blogging--but since we have lots more painting to do tomorrow and it's 1:00 in the morning, I'll spare you for the moment.
Have a great weekend!