Monday, July 24, 2006

After-Vacation Update

I'm tired!

Our vacation was absolutely fabulous, but I'm tired today. Really really tired. More tired than I've been for a while. This morning both DH and I had dentist appointments so we're both feeling whiny this evening. I didn't sleep well knowing that I was going to have to get up kind of early. Whine whine whine.

Remember the whole "Color me Beautiful" craze? I decided that I'd like to figure out what "season" my colors are, and I'm still confused. I did find a quiz, though, and my results are that I'm a "spring-autumn." I didn't think that was possible, since one is cool and the other is warm.
I think I'll have to do more research. All I know is I'm really light-skinned, like CLEAR, with really red cheeks. And whenever I do a reddish colorwash in my hair, everyone thinks I dye it mousy blond (which is actually my natural color).

The book says that the colors you're naturally attracted to are usually ones that look good on you. Turns out "my" colors are the ones I'm NOT attracted to. I love jewel tones and clear, strong colors. That's not the "Spring" color range. Oh well. One of these days I'll figure it out.

On the knitting front, I've got 8 more rounds to go on the spiral Doily! I'm eager to get it off the needles and blocked to see how big it'll be. From my earlier row gauge estimate I'm guessing it'll be around 40", but of course I'm hoping it'll be bigger so that I can wear it as a shawl instead of using it as a small tablecloth. Well, a girl can dream, can't she?

I need to get back to my Hanging Garden Stole. I'm altering it (of course) so that it'll have fewer repeats across. I'll probably make it the full 14 repeats (I think--from memory) and then do some other stuff around the border incorporating beads and another border.

One of the things I bought in Idaho was the pattern for the Wonderful Wallaby sweater. I also got some yarn for it, Cotton Fleece. I'm way excited about it! Gillian's sweater cost about $15 for the materials, and Ryan's sweater is going to end up being like $40, but I got the yarn for Gillian's for $1 a ball. I figure it'll all even out. I need to swatch for that sweater, and design a motif for the pocket. I got three skeins of dark blue and a skein of off white to do a motif, so now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do. I'm tempted to put waves around the "waist" running behind the pocket with a boat on the front, but he really doesn't have much interest in boats. Now anything with wheels is a different story....


Anonymous said...

Just a warning... cotton fleece colors sometimes run. You might want to do a test wash.

Kat said...

Yep, this one did bleed a tiny bit, but I don't think I'm going to worry too much about it--I've got some Synthrapol that hopefully will alleviate most of it.

Thanks for the heads up, Lisa!!

Mel said...

Hey Kat,

You know, I can help you out with the color analysis thing. I'm a BeautiControl Spa and Image Consultant. I have the drapes and the swatchbooks. We can get together, and I can do an analysis.
Let me know if you're interested. It's a 100% FREE service that I offer to people. And I'm all about the Free. :)

PS -- Spring and Autumn are both Warm classifications. Winter and Summer are Cool. I'm a Winter (big surprise) which are the easiest usually to spot.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

Cute sweater idea! I rather like the boat - it would go so well with blue and white yarns. Maybe some cute buttons (thinking bright red 'life preservers' or maybe birds of some kind).

(BTW, in case you're wondering where the random stranger came from - it's the Amazing Lace pit stop at work)