- You signed up on June 13, 2007
- You are #8801 on the list.
- 2091 people are ahead of you in line.
- 11454 people are behind you in line.
- 32% of the list has been invited so far
I keep hearing such exciting things about it, but I guess I'll just have to be patient.
Which is NOT one of my strengths. LOL!
Look on the bright side... you're ahead of those 11 thousand something other people hehehe.
Eventually you'll get in there :)
I didn't jump on it either and do not recall the date I did but I finally got in last week. Whew!! Now I'm overwhelmed with everything and have spent my time cruising to try to see everything. You'll get there!
I signed up exactly one week before you, and I have 606 ahead of me. Almost 1,500 signups in a week! That's just amazing!
You signed up on June 5, 2007
You are #7049 on the list.
397 people are ahead of you in line.
13280 people are behind you in line.
32% of the list has been invited so far
Kat, I can't believe in just 8 days so many people joined in that short of a time frame!!!. that is just crazy.. I figure I will have my invite this weekend :).. you will get your soon.. missed you guys last night, I was just so tired from work that i came home and died!... see ya next week for sure..:)
So I don't remember when I signed up and I am on it, but I haven't done that much with it. I better get to it...
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